吸附式細和粗活性炭棉(3入)- eXperience / professionel (2226 - 2328) & professionel II (2026 - 2128)

吸附過濾--- 去除有害的化學物質(氯,藥物殘留物質等)- 經過特殊處理的活性炭棉。吸附過濾通常只用於新購水族缸或者藥物使用後。該濾材只能使用較短的時間(約4周)然後取出或更換。

-- 適用機型 --
Professionel(II): 2026/2126, 2028/2128, 2226/2326, 2228/2328

1. Specially treated carbon filter pad
2. Removal of harmful chemical substances (chlorine, residues of medications etc.)
3. Necessary at the start-up stage of the aquariums
4. Use only for a limited period (ca. 4 weeks)

Mechanically: no
Biological: no
Adsorptive: yes
Chemical: no
Freshwater: yes
Sea water: yes